The Red Ribbon Strategy 

 If you just inform but not excite your audience you won´t have a chance – no matter what kind of business you are in!” so B. Dibué. “To be able to take advantage of the unique business opportunities presentations so often represent, that´s what Red Ribbon is all about. Participants of the Red Ribbon seminars will be empowered to go into their next presentation with confidence and radiate the magic 3 Cs: Competence, Confidence & Creativity.”

Red Ribbon – just a nice theory?

Contrary to common belief that some people are just gifted presenters and others are not, the Red Ribbon Seminars bring out the presenter in you – building on the individual personality. Instead of bloodless, out-of touch theory, Red Ribbon teaches effective presentation skills, applied and tested in tough business realities. The intense two- day seminars are full with hands-on exercises. Participants test and apply their new skills right away which guarantees a maximum take-away value and a high transfer into real life business situations.

Red Ribbon - what´s in the name?

We believe, that a presentation is like a precious gift to your audience that you put together with lots of care and thought. It should be wrapped with the same amount of care, topped with fantasy and creativity to bring out its value. In the Red Ribbon Presentation Skills Seminars you learn to add the final touch, a red ribbon, to your presentation. It´s all about a focused content, effectively “gift -wrapped” - for more impact, for a more powerful How and a bigger Wow. Ultimately, that´s a big plus for your business. And a huge advantage for your career!”

Our philosophy / continue